PTO & Volunteering
When parents and families get involved in education, we all benefit. Show your child you care about education by volunteering with our Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) or by lending a hand on our campus. You make all the difference!
We want you! Join us for our monthly PTO meetings. Dates & times for the WVE PTO meetings are on the WVE Class Dojo link. Click here to join!
Coffee with the Principal
Join us to discuss parent-generated topics. Occasionally, we will meet with the WVMS principal, and other times it will be just for WVE. Check out Class Dojo for event dates!
Wildcat Volunteers
It takes all types of talents to keep things running smoothly! We welcome your creativity, skills, and a helping hand. Members of this team help with the copy center, creating bulletin boards, helping at the book fair, gathering students for picture day, and more!